
BAESC is dedicated to providing compassionate, progressive, specialized ophthalmic services to the community using state-of-the-art instrumentation.

Animals suffer from many of the same eye conditions that affect humans. Our board-certified ophthalmologist, Dr. Lamkin, can help. Our goal is to deliver a precise diagnosis, eliminate pain, and preserve or restore vision. We offer advanced diagnostics and utilize advanced medical and surgical techniques. We work closely with your family veterinarian to provide excellence in comprehensive care, education and understanding to you and your animal companions. 


Dr. Lamkin cares for animal eyes of all shapes and sizes, including at a local wildlife rehabilitation organization, Think Wild.

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Ophthalmology Services

Slit lamp biomicroscopy

A slit lamp is a specialized instrument to provide a magnified view of the surface and the inside the eye. This is a hand-held version of the same type of instrument human ophthalmologists use.

 Indirect ophthalmoscopy

Using specialized lenses, the indirect ophthalmoscope provides a detailed view of the retina, the optic nerve, and the retinal blood vessels.


A goniolens is a specialized lens that allows visualization of a structure within the eye responsible for maintaining a normal eye pressure. This structure is called the drainage angle and abnormalities in its development can predispose to glaucoma.


A tonometer is an instrument used to measure eye pressure. It is used to assess for glaucoma and evaluate response to glaucoma therapy.


An electroretinogram (ERG) provides a reading of the electrical impulses in the retina in response to light, which is a measure of retinal function.

Ocular ultrasound (standard ocular and high-resolution anterior segment scans)

Ultrasonography is a non-invasive way to evaluate the inside the eye and the structures around and behind the eye.

Ultrasound biomicroscopy scans allow high-resolution assessment of the anatomy of the front of the eye that can’t be imaged with standard ocular ultrasounds. These scans provide evaluation of the layers of the cornea, assessment for glaucoma, ocular cysts, cancerous masses, and trauma.

Chromatic pupillary light reflex assessment

A rapid assessment of pupillary responses to stimulation of different wavelengths of light, which evaluates retinal photoreceptor and optic nerve health.

Retinal photography

A specialized camera allows examination and documentation of the retina and optic nerve for monitoring purposes. This same instrument is also used by human ophthalmologists.

Pre-breeding certification (OFA Companion Animal Eye Registry)

More information can be found here.

Eyelid surgery

Eyelid reconstruction surgery can be complex. This includes correcting entropion, shortening excessively long eyelids or eyelid openings, repairing lacerations or removing large growths while still allowing the eyelids to open and close normally and protect the eye.

Corneal surgery

Corneal grafting procedures, sequestrum repair, dermoid removal, laceration repairs, foreign body removal, all utilizing microsurgical techniques.

Cataract surgery with artificial lens implantation

Using microsurgical techniques, ultrasonic energy is applied to the lens to break up the cataract material and remove it from the eye via a microincision. An artificial lens is then positioned in its place. The same method of cataract removal is used in humans.

Lens luxation surgery

If the lens is no longer suspended in its normal location, it may need to be surgically removed utilizing microsurgical techniques to avoid glaucoma, pain, and blindness.

Goniovalve implantation

Implantation of a shunt into the eye to relieve pressure for the treatment of glaucoma

Transscleral cyclophotocoagulation (TSCP)

Delivery of laser energy to the eye for the treatment of glaucoma

Nasolacrimal repair and reconstruction

Utilizing CT dacryocystorhinography, ultrasonography, and rhinoscopy to evaluate the nasolacrimal system, targeted treatment can be provided including medical management, surgical repair or reconstruction, foreign body removal, sclerotherapy, and stent placement under fluoroscopic guidance.


The focused application of freezing to destroy cancerous growths or remove abnormal hairs contacting the surface of the eye.

Diode laser surgery

Laser energy can be delivered to the eye in a variety of ways for the treatment of different diseases. Non-invasively, the laser is used to ablate or destroy cancerous growths and cysts, or to treat glaucoma without requiring surgery. Alternatively, laser energy can be delivered endoscopically within the eye via a microincision for the treatment of glaucoma.


Laser energy is used to tack the retina in place in the event of retinal tears or small retinal detachments.

Ocular medication implants

Implants can allow consistent release of medication to supplement or replace topical eye drops.

Advanced imaging of the orbit and surrounding structures

Skull CT scans and orbital ultrasound allows for assessment of the tissues around and behind the eye, including the mouth and nose.

Whole body imaging

The eyes are sometimes the first indication of disease elsewhere in the body. BAESC offers abdominal ultrasound, chest radiographs, and CT-scans of the body in a holistic approach to ocular health.

Conditions we commonly treat


Inflammation or infection of the eyelids.


An opacity within the lens with many possible causes. Depending on the severity, cataracts can be blinding.

Cherry eye (prolapsed nictitans gland)

One of the glands responsible for producing tears prolapsed from behind the third eyelid (or nictitans), causing irritation and decreased tear production.

Chronic superficial keratitis (pannus)

Content hereImmune-mediated inflammation of the surface of the eye and/or third eyelid.

 Corneal endothelial degeneration

A degenerative condition that causes fluid accumulation and decreased clarity of the surface of the eye.

Corneal foreign bodies

Content hereForeign objects (commonly plant material) stuck within or penetrating through the surface of the eye.

Corneal sequestrum

Degenerating or non-viable corneal tissue, commonly amber to black in color.

Corneal ulcers

An open sore in the outer barrier layer of the surface of the eye. There are multiple causes and types of corneal ulcers, each requiring different treatment.

Distichiasis, trichiasis, ectopic cilia

Abnormal hair growth causing discomfort and ulceration by consistently rubbing on the surface of the eye.

Dacryocystitis, nasolacrimal duct obstruction

Inflammation or obstruction of the nasolacrimal duct for a variety of causes, including foreign bodies, cysts, infection, masses


Inflammation of the whites of the eyes.

Equine Recurrent Uveitis (ERU)

Repeated or chronic inflammation of the vascular tissues inside the eye.

Eyelid masses and growths

Growths on the eyelids that can enlarge and cause irritation and discomfort by bleeding or rubbing on the surface of the eye.


Inward rolling of the eyelids causing irritation or ulceration from hair persistently rubbing on the surface of the eye

Feline ocular herpes (FHV-1)

A highly contagious virus found in most cats, and a major cause of upper respiratory infections and eye infections.

Golden Retriever Pigmentary and Cystic Uveitis

An inherited, painful, and potentially blinding condition causing inflammation inside the eye


Increased pressure inside the eye causing pain and blindness.

Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca

Dry eye disease causing poor quality or reduced tears, irritation, and ocular discharge.

Lens luxation

Breakage in the fibers holding the lens in place leading to lens detachment and displacement. Commonly associated with glaucoma and blindness.

Ocular trauma

Common ocular traumas include bite wounds, scratches, or a hit to the head, and often require emergency care.

Pigmentary keratitis

Pigment deposition on the surface of the eye, which can be blinding if uncontrolled.

Progressive retinal atrophy

A degenerative disease of the retina that ultimately results in blindness.


Protrusion of the eye from the socket, preventing normal blinking and requiring emergency care.

Retinal detachment

The structure in the back of the eye responsible for vision detaches from its normal position, causing blindness.

Sudden Acquired Retinal Degeneration Syndrome (SARDS)

Sudden onset blindness affecting the normal function of the retina.


Inflammation of the vascular tissues inside the eye.

What is an ophthalmologist?

Veterinary Ophthalmologists are veterinarian specialists in animal eye diseases.

Just like a human ophthalmologist, veterinarian doctors interested in ophthalmology must seek additional, intensive training to earn this prestigious credentialing.

In veterinary medicine, specialty status is granted by the American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists (ACVO).

This process generally includes:

  • Obtaining a traditional 8-year veterinary degree (four years of college and four years of veterinary school).
  • Completing a one-year internship in small animal medicine and surgery or 2 years in general practice.
  • Completing an additional three to four-year residency in ophthalmology at a veterinary teaching hospital.
  • Completing the credentialing application process established by the ACVO, which includes meeting specific surgical requirements and case numbers in cats, dogs, horses, and exotic species.
  • Author and publish scholarly article(s) in peer-reviewed journals.
  • Passing a rigorous, multi-day examination consisting of written, practical, and surgical sections.

After completing and passing all of the above, the veterinarian is recognized as a board-certified specialist in veterinary ophthalmology. The intensive training and additional education is focused on helping your pet to recover or to enjoy the highest quality of life while living with their condition.

Why does your pet need a veterinary ophthalmologist?

Your family veterinarian provides essential care for several common eye diseases. However, just as in human medicine, many eye diseases require the attention of a board-certified ophthalmologist.

Specialized Instrumentation

A veterinary ophthalmologist is equipped with specialized instrumentation to critically assess all parts of the eye and the surrounding structures including the eyelids, tear glands, and orbit.

Extensive Additional Training

Additionally, a veterinary ophthalmologist underwent extensive eye-specific training to deliver advanced medical and surgical treatments for your pet.

Highest Standard of Care

In some cases, your family veterinarian may be able to consult with a specialist over the phone. In other cases, a referral to an ophthalmologist is necessary to provide the very best outcome for your pet. If your family veterinarian recommends referral to a specialist, they are dedicated to ensuring your pet receives the highest standard of care.

Frequently Asked Questions and Concerns

Will my regular veterinarian still be involved?

Your family veterinarian plays a critical role in your pet’s wellbeing. To ensure your pet receives the best possible care, Dr. Lamkin works closely with your family veterinarian to provide treatments tailored to your animal’s specific needs.

A detailed summary of your pet’s examination, test results, clinical photographs, and treatments is shared with your family vet after each visit so we can build a plan for long-term continuity of care together. This collaborative relationship between doctors creates a network of expertise that leads to better outcomes for our patients and their owners.

Spectrum of care

When animal companions get sick, it can be unexpected and overwhelming. At BAESC, we strive to work with you as a team to provide the best care for your pet.

The spectrum of care encompasses a variety of high-quality options tailored to each individual pet while considering the unique goals and constraints of each owner. We understand that not every treatment plan is right for everyone. Together, we can discuss the cost of care and explore flexible treatment options to meet the needs of both your pet and your family.

What to expect during your appointment
  • The initial consultation typically lasts 45-60 minutes.
  • After discussion about your pet’s medical history and concerns, the eye exam begins with a series of tests to evaluate tear production, assess for corneal ulcers, and measure eye pressure.
  • The ophthalmologist will then perform a comprehensive examination of both eyes, including clinical photographs and retinal photographs as needed.
  • After the examination, the ophthalmologist will discuss your pet’s condition, treatment options, and if any additional tests are recommended.
  • A detailed summary of the visit and treatment instructions will be provided to you and your family veterinarian to ensure continuity of care.
  • If a non-emergent surgical procedure is needed, it will usually be scheduled later in the week. Following the procedure, in most instances, your pet can go home that same day.
  • In the event of an unforeseen eye emergency, we are available for emergency consultations, but these evaluations do result in additional fees.
Are e-collars necessary?

YES! The use of e-collars is absolutely necessary to aid in the healing process of your pets eyes. We understand they are not always easy for you or your pet, but the e-collar is protecting the eyes and improving the chances of a successful outcome.

We cannot communicate with our pets how important it is that they not rub at their eyes while they heal. Rubbing with their paws or rubbing their face on other surfaces runs the risk of additional trauma or introducing harmful infection to their eyes. Rubbing even happens while pets are sleeping. While it may seem like the cone of shame at first, your pet will adjust to the collar.

Soft-sided cones do not prevent pets from rubbing their face on surfaces, and are not an appropriate alternative. However, there are other styles of cone available, including the Optivizor, which can be purchased online. More information can be found at www.protectivepetsolutions.com.

Informational Resources
Tips on taking an eye photograph

Recommended items:

  • Two people
  • A light source
  • A camera/smartphone

The photo needs to be:

  • Well lit
  • In focus
  • Eyelids manually held open (unless painful or fragile), or wave treats to encourage eye opening

Generally 6 inches away is a good distance (close but not too close)

Get your animals the care they deserve

Whether an emergency or a specialty service, our team has you and your pet covered.

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